The 1st Grand-prix Marc Gengler, the 7th Souvenir Marcel Gilles, the 37th Grand-Prix OST-Fenster and the 101st Grand-prix François Faber are organized on Sunday, March 30, 2025 according to the rules of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and the Fédération du Sport Cycliste Luxembourgeois (FSCL).
Organizer is the cycling club ACC Contern, represented by Mr. Alain Conter, 47 Op der Hobuch, L-5832 Fentange, Tel: (+352) 621 23 16 45,
Start and Finish are located in Bech (11, rue Hanner Bra in front of the Cultural centrum).
The permanent office is situated in the cultural centrum « Hanner Bra » (Address: 11, Hanner Bra, L-6231 Bech). It is open between 8h30 and 17h30 o’clock.
Hospital on duty: Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) 4, rue Ernest Barblé - L-1210 Luxembourg(Belair) - Tél : +352 44 11 11
Radio-Tour frequency is 157,610 Mh
Showers and changing rooms are in containers near the cultural centrum « Hanner Bra » (Address: 11, Hanner Bra, L-6231 Bech). The sanitary rooms inside of the cultural centrum are closed due to transformation works.
The closing ceremony with prize distribution for the GP OST-Fenster is held at 18h00 o’clock in the Cultural Center “Hanner Bra”. Riders of the other races can collect their prizes in the permanent office about an hour after their race.
Anti-doping controls can be performed by the Luxemburgish Anti-Doping Agency (Agence Luxembourgeoise Anti-Dopage - ALAD). If so, they are taking place in the changing rooms near the cultural Centrum "Hanner Bra", 11, rue Hanner Bra in L-6321 Bech.
Traffic regulations have to be respected strictly.