The event is held on a course around place Guillaume (Knuedler) in the centre of Luxemburg town. The place is situated at around 10 kilometers from the airport (by bus: Autobus de la ville de Luxembourg: line 16 until bus-stop Royal Quai 2, access by foot through Bd Royal and Grand'rue) and two kilometers away from the central station (by bus: Autobus de la Ville de Luxembourg: lines 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20 and 21 until Centre Hamilius, access by foot through rue de la Poste - place d'Armes and rue du Curé)
To join the event by car, you can take one of the exits "Luxembourg-Ville" on one of the motorways leading to the capital:
Motorway A6 (Arlon - Luxembourg) / exit 4 (Strassen, Luxembourg-centre) / to the left N6 (route d'Arlon) direction "Luxembourg-Ville" / to the right Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte / to the left avenue Monterey ...
Motorway A4 (Esch-sur-Alzette - Luxembourg) / exit Hollerich / to the left route d'Esch direction "Centre-Ville" / to the right avenue Marie-Thérèse ...
Motorway A3 (Metz - Luxembourg) / exit Luxembourg-Gare / continue straight on rocade de Bonnevoie / to the left Boulevard d'Avranches / to the right Boulevard Roosevelt ...
Motorway A1 (Trier - Luxembourg) / exit 8 (Kirchberg, Luxembourg-centre) / on the roundabout direction "Centre-ville" / Boulevard J-F Kennedy / Boulevard Robert Schumann ...
Map: ACC Contern
... then follow the signs of the parking guidance system of Luxemburg-capital until one of the following parkings:
(17) GLACIS - boulevard de la Foire (the biggest one and easiest to access - No toll in the evening - Acces to the circuit by Avenue de la Porte-Neuve then Grand'rue)
(1) THEATRE - côte d'Eich (no access between 20h00 and 22h00 - next to the course)
(2) SAINT-ESPRIT - boulevard Roosevelt (access to the course by rue du Saint-Esprit - place Clairefontaine - rue du Fossé)
(3) KNUEDLER - rue Notre Dame (difficult to access - next to the circuit)
(4) ALDRINGEN - rue Aldringen (access to the course by avenue Monterey - place d'Armes then rue du Curé)
(5) MONTEREY - rue Monterey (access to the course by avenue Monterey - place d'Armes then rue du Curé)
Map: acc contern
ATTENTION: some streets next to the circuit are closed to the traffic
SHOWERS: municipal swimming centre in rue des Bains