29.06.2008 Roeser - Roeser
Frank Schleck Luxemburgischer Strassenmeister
Frank Schleck
4th at 57"
5th at 57"
Cyrille Heymans
3rd at 0"
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!!! TRANSLATION FOLLOWS !!! Frank Schleck s'est imposé pour la deuxième fois de sa carrière en tant que champion de Luxembourg sur route en ligne chez les élite avec contrat, après son titre conquis en 2005 à Mamer. Pour arriver à leur fin sur un circuit qui ne leur convenait pas du tout, les deux frères Andy et Frank ont fait la course tactique parfaite en se montrant résolument offensifs. Pas mal de gens avaient en effet parié sur Kim Kirchen, dont la rapidité au sprint devait être un atout majeur sur un parcours majoritairement plat, voir même sur une victoire d'un outsider si les "Grands" devaient se neutraliser mutuellement. Mais les coureurs des équipes Pro-Tour ont bel et bien dominés les débats, grâce surtout à un Andy Schleck qui a lancé la course pour de bon au moment d'aborder les 6 circuits finaux.
Le cadet des Schleck s'était en effet porté à l'avant avec Claude Wolter et David Claerebout, obligeant Kim Kirchen et Benoît Joachim à fournir un gros travail en tête du peloton et, du même coup, provoquant un écrémage non-négligeable dans le groupe. Après deux tours de circuit, l'initiative d'Andy était terminée, mais l'objectif était atteint pour le camp CSC: Kim Kirchen avait déjà fourni un gros travail qu'il devait sans doute payer plus tard. Mais certains sentaient leur chance venir: la rivalité Kirchen-Schleck pour le titre pouvait faire leur bonheur. C'est ce que Vincenzo Centrone s'est dit et l'ancien coureur de l'ACC Contern s'est porté à l'avant, bientôt rejoint par Poos et Joachim. Mais les trois coureurs qui seront au départ du Tour de France dans une semaine ne se sont pas fait suprendre et ils ont fait éclater le peloton pour se lancer à la poursuite du trio de tête. Pendant ce temps, les trois meilleurs espoirs se sont trouvés entre-eux dans le sillage des Schleck et Kirchen et se sont disputés la victoire au sprint. Jempy Drucker croyait en ses chances, mais le rapide Cyrille Heymans a anéanti ses rêves de doublé cyclo-cross et route en s'imposant devant Kim Michely et Drucker. Médaille de bronze donc pour le coureur de la Fidea dont la saison sur route continue de fort belle manière. Mais les élite n'en avaient pas encore fini avec le circuit local autour de Roeser et, alors que les trois coureurs de l'ACC Contern venaient de faire la jonction avec la tête, Frank Schleck a accéléré. Il s'est isolé devant avec Benoît Joachim, obligeant le malheureux Kim Kirchen a animer une nouvelle fois la poursuite, avec Andy Schleck et Christian Poos dans la roue. Kim a essayé l'impossible et il s'est rapproché jusqu'à une vingtaine de secondes des deux coureurs de tête, mais il avait déjà trop donné et devait abdiquer. Mal récompensé pour tous les efforts fournis, Kim a finalement terminé l'épreuve en quatrième position, au sprint derrière Poos et devant Andy Schleck. Quant à Frank Schleck, il n'avait aucune difficulté à se débarasser de Benoît Joachim pour aller ceuillir le bouquet et la médaille d'or en solitaire. La question tant évoquée a donc trouvé réponse: Oui, le maillot tricolore ira au Tour de France, sur les épaules de Frank Schleck.
June 26, 2008: National TT championships
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26.06.2008 Bivange - Bivange (18,4 km ITT)
Kim Kirchen wins time-trial title
Kim Kirchen
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!!! TRANSLATION WILL FOLLOW !!! Kim Kirchen a étoffé son palmarès aujourd'hui en devenant champion de Luxembourg du contre-la-montre à Bivange. Aux côtés de ses titres nationaux en cyclo-cross ou dans la course en ligne, celui dans le chrono lui faisait effectivement encore défaut et si le coureur de l'ACC Contern s'était aligné au départ des 18 kilomètres, c'est qu'il était bien décidé de combler le vide. Kim n'avait reçu son nouveau vélo de contre-la-montre que la veille et voulut s'imposer un test grandeur nature avant le début du Tour de France qu'il abordera avec plus d'ambitions que jamais. Test réussi pour l'homme et la machine puisque, quoique un peu hésitant sur quelques-uns des nombreux virages du parcours tortueux et étroit, mais bien plaisant des deux côtés de l'autoroute de Dudelange, Kirchen n'a jamais laissé plâner le doute sur sa supériorité. Parfaitement aligné et souple, même dans les nombreux faux-plats, le coureur de la High-Road a conservé la tête de l'épreuve du début jusqu'à la fin, en s'imposant en 24'22" (moyenne 45,3 km/h), 29" devant le tenant du titre Christian Poos, toujours aussi à l'aise dans l'exercice en solitaire, et 40" devant un Benoît Joachim dans un jour sans. Belle répétition à une semaine du Tour de France et à un peu plus d'un mois des Jeux Olympiques, les deux principaux objectifs de Kim Kirchen dans cette saison.
June 16-22, 2008: 48th Tour de Serbie
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16-22.06.2008 Belgrade - Kragujevac (1100 km in 7 stages)
Jempy Drucker in Serbia
Andrenaci, Rogina (2x), Gabrovski, Der, Camdamuro (2x)
Matija Kvasina
34th, 86th, 73rd, 80th, 68th, 14th and 3rd
63ème à 58'05"
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!!! TRANSLATION WILL FOLLOW !!! Après la coupe du monde des espoirs au Canada, Jempy Drucker a participé à une deuxième course à étapes pour ce mois, cette fois-ci au sein de son équipe Fidea, pour laquelle il court encore au moins jusqu'à la fin de la saison sur route. Mais le Tour de Serbie, qui en est déjà à sa 48ème édition et figure parmi les plus anciennes manifestations sportives d'un pays beaucoup plus jeune, était une autre paire de manches et face aux professionnels et sur des tracés montagneux, Jempy a eu du mal à se mettre en évidence lors des premiers jours. Mais vers la fin de la course, sur terrain un peu plus aisé, le champion de Luxembourg de cyclo-cross a retrouvé ses marques et il a conclu en beauté avec un podium lors de la dernière étape qui s'est terminé au sprint massif. Au cours de la première étape, le peloton est resté plus ou moins groupé, seul une vingtaine de coureurs a réussi à se dégager en fin d'étape et prendre une minute au reste du peloton. Danilo Adrenacci s'est avéré le plus rapide des 20, alors que Drucker a franchi la ligne d'arrivée en 34ème position, dans la première partie du peloton principal. Dès la deuxième journée, vers Sarajevo, a déjà vu la route s'élever et la moitié des concurrents, parmi eux Jempy Drucker en 86ème position, a perdu 17 minutes ou plus aujourd'hui. Pour la victoire d'étape, le croate Radoslav Rogina a réglé au sprint un groupe d'une cinquantaine de coureurs avec entre-autres Erwin Verwecken, triple champion du monde et coéquipier de Drucker. La troisième étape présentait une première arrivée en altitude et, évicemment, le peloton a explosé dans la dernière montée. Le Bulgare Ivailo Gabrovski a remporté la victoire, tandis que le représentant luxembourgeois a terminé 73ème dans un groupe de 3 à 6'42", ensemble avec ses équipiers Wellens et Pauwels. Nouvelle arrivée en altitude le lendemain où Radoslav Rogina a récidivé avec une deuxième victoire d'étape devant Kvasina et Ratti, les trois mêmes coureurs qui occuppent désormais les premiers postes au classement général. Ici, les écarts ont été impressionnants, le 20ème de l'étape accusait déjà 8 minutes de déficit et Jempy, en 80ème position dans le plus grand groupe, en comptait plus que 30 à la fin. Troisième et dernière arrivée en côte le lendemain à Vranje, où Der Zsolt s'est imposé dans un petit groupe de quatre avec Cadamuro et Gabrovski, alors que Kvasina avait toujours la main-mise sur le général. Drucker s'est une nouvelle fois classé en plein milieu du peloton, à la 68ème place avec près de quatre minutes de retard sur le vainqueur. Les 6ème et 7ème étapes étaient moins difficiles que les précédentes, quoique toujours accidentés et se sont achevés toutes les deux par une victoire de Simone Cadamuro, au sprint d'un petit groupe d'échappés. Les deux jours, Jempy Drucker était bien dans le coup et s'il a terminé 14ème à Soko Banje, il ne s'est incliné que de très peu dans le dernier tronçon vers Kragujevacz. Derrière Cadamuro et Ogris, le Luxembourgeois a pris la troisième place de la journée et il a ainsi pu conclure une semaine difficile, mais sans doute profitable au niveau de sa progression, avec un séjour sur le podium.
22.06.2008 9. Altdorf - Bern (168 km)
Cancellara repeats the show
Fabian Cancellara
Roman Kreuziger
21st at 8"
6th at 2'57"
55th at 8"
7th at 2'58"
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!!! TRANSLATION WILL FOLLOW !!! Le classement final du Tour de Suisse était décidé bien avant l'arrivée de l'étape d'aujourd'hui, puisque la suprématie de Roman Kreuziger n'avait pas fait de doute dans le chrono du Klausenpass la veille. Cependant, le dernier tronçon vers Berne ne manquait pas de piquant et la fin d'étape a été tout simplement palpitante. La faut aux attaquants qui n'étaient pas prêt d'abandonner le trophée aux sprinters et qui se sont activés pendant toute la journée. Alors que Frank Schleck, avec son dos en compotte, avait rangé sa biciclette depuis longtemps pour ne pas prendre de risque en vue du Tour de France, Francisco Perez Sanchez, Maarten Tjallingii, Herve Duclos-Lassalle, Darren Lill et Rene Weissinger faisaient partie d'une tentative prometteuse, mais qui a été réduite à néant à une dizaine de kilomètres de l'arrivée. Les attaques fusaient de tout part, mais les sprinters donnaient l'impression d'avoir tout sous contrôle ... jusqu'à ce que Philippe Gilbert ne mette le paquet peu avant la flamme rouge, suivie par l'inévitable Fabian Cancellara. Des coureurs comme ces deux-là, on ne les attrappe pas facilement dans le dernier kilomètres et ils ont su garder une toute petite avance jusqu'à l'arrivée ou Cancellara s'est avéré plus rapide que Gilbert pour sa deuxième victoire d'étape. Kim Kirchen et Andy Schleck on terminé dans le peloton et ils ont donc conservé leurs 7ème et 6ème positions au classement général. Un classement général remporté par Kreuziger, mais dont on se demande toujours quel serait son allure s'il n'y avait pas eu le plongeon spectaculaire de Frank Schleck lors de la cinquième étape. Mais au-delà des classements, un constat général s'impose: les trois coureurs luxembourgeois sont fin prêts pour le Tour de France.
21.06.2008 8. Altdorf - Klausenerpass (25 km ITT)
Kreuziger stronger than the others
Roman Kreuziger
Roman Kreuziger
9th at 2'19"
6th at 2'57"
5th at 1'26"
13th at 5'36"
15th at 3'25"
7th at 2'58"
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!!! TRANSLATION WILL FOLLOW !!! Roman Kreuziger était au-dessus du lot aujourd'hui dans le contre-la-montre en côte du Klausenpass et, s'il a fait coup double en prenant la victoire d'étape et le maillot jaune, il a surtout bien rapidement signifié à Kim Kirchen qui celui-ci pouvait abandonner ses rêves de victoire finale. Dès le premier pointage en effet, Kreuziger avait déjà fait son retard sur le Luxembourgeois et trônait une quinzaine de secondes au-dessus de lui dans le classement général virtuel. On se disait alors que Kirchen avait eu une mauvaise passe que, comme si souvent, il penait à trouver son rythme en début d'ascension, mais que, sans doute, il allait reprendre le flambeau et s'envoler vers la victoire. Mais le coup de pédale de Kirchen n'avait rien d'aérien. Il se battait certes, mais sans conviction et sur un développement beaucoup trop important face à un Kreuziger moulinant. Le deuxième pointage devait confirmer le verdict: Kim
Kirchen, décidément dans un jour sans, avait perdu 2'16" sur Kreuziger et une minute et demie sur Klöden, l'autre homme fort du jour. A l'arrivée, l'addition était sévère: Roman Kreuziger gagne l'étape avec 16 secondes d'avance sur Rujano, 17" sur Klöden et déjà 53 sur Cunego et il s'empare du maillot jaune avec 49" sur Klöden et 1'55 sur Anton. Un Kim Kirchen très, très déçu termine 15ème de l'étape à presque 3 minutes et il rétrograde de la première à la 7ème position au classement général. Les frères Schleck ont été, quant-à-eux, à la hauteur sur le sommet du Klausenpass. Frank l'aîné, parti relativement tôt puisque moins bien classé au général, est arrivée en deuxième position à l'arrivée, à une minute du leader provisoire Rujano mais devant son coéquipier Jens Voigt. Malgré les douleurs persistantes à la main et dans le dos, il a sans doute réussi un des meilleurs chronos de sa carrière, puisque uniquement trois coureurs, Kreuziger, Klöden et Cunego, devaient encore faire mieux. Schleck termine donc l'étape à une très belle cinquième place avec 1'26" de retard et il avance à la treizième position au classement général. Dans un exercice où il n'a que très peu d'expérience, Andy Schleck a également fait des merveilles aujourd'hui. Le cadet des deux frangins n'a jamais été le meilleur luxembourgeois sur ce Tour de Suisse, mais il a été, et de loin, le plus régulier. La preuve encore aujourd'hui avec une 9ème place à deux minutes de Kreuziger, une neuvième place qui le hisse désormais en 6ème position au classement général, une petite seconde devant Kim Kirchen. A l'approche du Tour de France, Andy monte tout doucement en puissance et devrait approcher son meilleur niveau courant du mois de juillet. On s'en réjouit déjà ...
20.06.2008 7. Gruyères - Lyss (171 km)
Cancellara's big show
Fabian Cancellara
Kim Kirchen
61st at 0"
7th at 1'04"
96th at 0"
21th at 4'36"
56th at 0"
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Scheduled between yesterday's tough mountain stage and the deciding mountain time-trail of tomorrow, today's stage of 171 kilometers between Gruyères and Lyss promised to be a true transition stage, since the pofile was a little bit hilly but not too difficult. Of course, everyone wanted to be in the break that had real chances of success today and so the beginning of the race was very animated and fast. Even riders like Kirchen's team-mate Lövqvist (5th overall) and Roman Kreuziger (second overall) made some attacks. At kilometer 50, the latter finally gave up his attempt in a group with Van Summeren, Rosseler and Scholz, so that the three others received the authorization to sail away. But with 17 kilometers to go, they were caught again, after Rabobank had supported the chase in the pack. There was still a small climb left and Leif Hoste attacked and took off together with Cancellara and Fothen. Danger for Kim Kirchen who immediately reacted and bridged up to the group together with Philippe Gilbert. The goal of this move was of course to cover Fothen, currently 9th overall, but also to stay at the front of the peloton and avoid danger as much as possible. The main group soon caught the break again, with only Cancellara staying up front. The time-trial world champion than did a big show, resisting all alone at the front and with only a few seconds gap to the whole chasing peloton during 5 kilometers. The Swiss rider snatched the stage win 6 seconds ahead of the sprinters Zabel, Mcewen and Förster, whereas the three Luxemburgers also finished in the pack on the places 56, 61 and 96. Status quo overall where Kim Kirchen remains in yellow for another day.
19.06.2008 6. Ambri - Verbier (188 km)
Kim Kirchen
Kim Kirchen
6th at 20"
7th at 1'04"
27th at 2'21"
21th at 4'36"
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Kim Kirchen has scored double on the sixth stage of the Tour de Suisse: after a brilliant performance on the last climb, he takes the stage victory and also the yellow jersey, with now 27 seconds advantage on Roman Kreuziger. It was a somewhat unusual profile through Switzerland: the Nufenenpass, an extreme climb up to the roof of the Tour, was on the menu right after the start, the finish was held in Verbier after a climb of 8 kilometers and 700 meters of change in altitude and, in between, there were 150 kilometers of flat. It was no suprise that the riders stayed very calm at the beginning and stayed all together for most of the way up to Nufenen. Maxim Iglinsky, who was already in the break yesterday, broke the peace and established himself
alone in the lead. The Astana rider crossed the highest point of the Tour de Suisse with one minute advantage on a group of chasers composed by Voigt, Rujano, Tjallingii, Zampieri, Loosli, Frank, Tschopp, Dietziker and Visconti, as well as two minutes on the peloton. On the descent, the chasing group caught Iglinsky and on the now following, flat roads, they created a maximum gap of up to 11 minutes. But at mid-race, while Dietzicker was virtually in yellow, Euskatel started to react and they were supported by Liquigas, CSC and High Road, so that the advantage of the leaders decreased slowly, but steadily. Deignan, Frank, Visconti and Tjallingi, the strongest riders in the break, have started the final climb with around 2 minutes advantage on the peloton with the GC favourites, led by Kim Kirchen's team-mate Markus Burghardt. But it was Frank Schleck who opened the dance with an attack at 6 kilometers from the finish, followed by Stijn Devolder. Then it was Andy's turn to accelerate and his move exploded the group, only a dozen riders were able to stay up at the front. Kim Kirchen had stayed calm in the first part of the climb, he followed the wheels of yellow jersey Igor Anton who, with the support of Cunego and Klöden, worked hard and obtained a regroupement. But after that, it was the Kim Kirchen show: he took over the lead of the small group and rode at his own rythm, steady and fast. So fast, that one by one, the riders were dropped from his wheel: Frank Schleck who had done his part of the work for his brother, Cunego, but also the yellow jersey Igor Anton. Only Klöden and Kreuziger managed to stay behind Kim, whereas Andy was only a few meters behind. After having towed the small group for the last kilometer without any support, Kirchen still had the strengh to beat Klöden in the sprint for the stage win. Kreuziger finished 6 seconds behind and Andy Schleck 20 seconds later in 6th place, together with Devolder. Igor Anton crossed the line in 8th position, Cunego as 9th and Frank Schleck with an aching body in 27th place, a little bit more than 2 minutes back. Kim Kirchen, who wasn't at his best in yesterday's stage, did a lot better today since he also took the yellow leader jersey, 27 seconds ahead of Kreuziger, then follow Anton, Devolder, Lövkvist, Klöden and Andy Schleck in 7th place. The latter has only one minute deficit on the leader, so that everything remains open in this Tour de Suisse, at least until Saturday's deciding moutain time trial.
18.06.2008 5. Domat/Ems - Caslano (199 km)
Frank Schleck and his guardian angel
Markus Fothen
Igor Anton
8th at 57"
8th at 40"
44th at 2'52"
19th at 2'11"
19th at 57"
2nd at 6"
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The fifth stage had a whole bunch of climbs on its program, like for examble the Lukmanierpass that culminates at 1940 meters above sea level, but most of all two smaller but steep hills in the final, with the climb of Cademario just 15 kilometers from the finish. An ideal situation for the classic specialists like Cunego, who wasn't far away from home ground today, or like Kirchen and Schleck to attack the pure climber Igor Anton. And the Basque rider had a tough day, beginning to see his yellow jersey sail away, but unlike Frank Schleck, he did not fall. Just like expected and after a very hectic stage begin, a big group of 14 riders got away before the Lukmanierpass but splitted up on the longest climb of the day. Iglinsky, Perget, Chavanel,
Marzano, Visconti, Rujano and Jacobs have crossed the roof of today's stage with a minute advantage on the next chasers and 2 on the main peloton with all the favourites. But the gap didn't get much bigger than that and in the final kilometers, the CSC-led peloton quickly bridged up to the
leaders. On the climb of Cademario, Stijn Devolder attacked with Ivanov and it was Andy Schleck who did the work in the peloton to reel them in, before brother Frank accelerated in the last part of the climb. Nobody was able to follow him and the CSC rider crossed the summit with 35 seconds advantage on a first group with among others leader Anton, Andy Schleck and Kim Kirchen. On the downhill, Markus Fothen bridged up to Frank, but the next chasers came also closer and closer. Frank Schleck decided to take some risks and went very fast on the descent. Too fast, since he missed a narrow right-hand turn and flew over the guard-rails into a ditch, several meters further down. During some few, terrific seconds, Frank remained invisible behind the trees, but then he climbed back to the road again, apparently without severe injuries. He was able to continue the race and finished in 44th position, nearly three minutes down on the winner, thanking his guardian angel that he got out of this spectacular crash without serious damage. After the crash, Markus Fothen had continued his road alone and he managed to take the stage win, 50" ahead of Ivanov and 57" ahead of a small group in which Andy Schleck finished in 8th position. Kim Kirchen was also in the same group, but the High-Road rider, who had problems with today's heat after several stages of racing in the cold, wasn't at his best today and he finished in 19th place, the last one of his group and was simply very happy to have survived the tricky stage. In the overall classification, there are not many changes, except that Fothen makes his appearence in the Top 10 rankings and that Frank Schleck and Damiano Cunego both fall out of the top spots.
17.06.2008 4. Gossau - Domat/Ems (171 km)
Mc Ewen is fastest again
Robbie McEwen
Igor Anton
45th at 0"
9th at 40"
50th at 6"
4th at 16"
37th at 0"
2nd at 6"
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A stage that should have reminded some nice souvenirs to Frank Schleck since it passed through Liechtenstein and the foot of the Malbun clim, where he had won a stage last year and also finished 3rd down in 2004. Unfortunately for him, the peloton did not tackle the steep slopes of "Liechtenstein's Alpe d'Huez", but it headed on flat roads towards Domat/Ems, further down in the South. A sprinter stage on paper, but Matej Jurco, Jérôme Pineau and Jonathan Garcia believed in their chances and initiated a long break with a maximum advantage of 10 minutes. After that, it was a matter of calculating right and
the peloton managed the gap to the leaders perfectly, cachting them with just 6 kilometers to go, after 160 kilometers at the front. In the last kilometers, High-Road moved up to the front of the peloton, Kim Kirchen and his team-mates wanted to have a good sprint preparation for Ciolek, whereas the Schleck brothers, without real sprinter in their team, were more or less hiding inside the peloton. Kirchen himself delivered Ciolek on the last straight line, but the former U23 world champion found himself just a little bit too early in the wind and he was doubled by McEwen and Boonen for an identical podium than the day before. The three Luxemburgish riders crossed the finish line in the big group and of course keep their good overall positions, before the serious things start again tomorrow.
16.06.2008 3. Flums - Gossau (155 km)
Mc Ewen wins bunch sprint
Robbie McEwen
Igor Anton
43rd at 0"
9th at 40"
53rd at 6"
4th at 16"
23rd at 0"
2nd at 6"
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155 hilly kilometers through the canton of Zürich, but without a bigger obstacle, that was the menu of the day for the 160 riders, among whom the sprinters as well as the offensive riders hoped for a victory. The first break attempt was already a good one because the peloton surely was tired after yesterday's difficult stage and with the bad weather conditions that prevailed again today. They let Hervé Duclos-Lassalle and René Weissinger slip away, joined a
little bit later by the American Jeffry Louder and the three of them managed to built up a 7-8 minutes lead which started to fade again after mid-race. With 35 kilometers to go, as the peloton accelerated more and more, they only had 2 minutes left and finally were caught 25 kilometers later. On the wet and slippery roads, Quick-Step and Lampre took over the lead in the peloton to prepare the massive sprint. Other teams moved up like Gerolsteiner and Milram and also Kim Kirchen who was present at the front of the bunch. But in the last kilometer, Silence-Lotto came to the front and no-one was able to beat Robbie McEwen who took the win ahead of Freire and Ciolek. Kim Kirchen finished as 23rd in the peloton and the Schleck brothers on the places 43 and 53. Both of them had also been up at the front, especially on the last, small climb with 8 kilometers to go and managed to avoid all the traps in this tricky stage. There are of course no changes overall where the Luxemburgish riders remain at the places 2, 4 and 9, but Kim Kirchen has to handle back the points jersey to Oscar Freire.
15.06.2008 2. Langnau - Flumserberg (197 km)
The Luxemburgers attacked
Igor Anton
Igor Anton
9th at 30"
9th at 40"
4th at 6"
4th at 16"
2nd at 6"
2nd at 6"
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The second stage of the Tour de Suisse was already a mountain top finish after a 200-kilometer stage, so the favourites already had to show their cards today. And the Luxemburgish riders fully lived up to the expectations on the Flumserberg with a very offensive Schleck-duo and all three of them in the Top 10 of the stage. Like expected and except a long solo break from Martin Elminger, who rode at the front of the race with up to 18 minutes of advantage for quite a while, it all came down to the Flumserberg at the foot of which the whole peloton was still grouped. Gianni Meersmann has opened the battle on the climb but then, Jens Voigt attacked and stayed in the lead for a few kilometers. When the German was reeled in, Andy Schleck continued CSC's offensive strategy, but without success.
Brother Frank was luckier with three kilometers to go, when he escaped together with Stijn Devolder. The two of them took some seconds advantage on the chasers led by Cunego, but the Belgian National Champion wasn't of much support for Schleck, so that under the red flag, 10 riders came together again in the lead, among them the three Luxemburgers, but also Cunego, Devolder and Klöden. On the last hectometers, Igor Anton attacked strongly and the Spanish climber took the lead alone, whereas Klöden and Andy Schleck where dropped. The Basque rider Anton managed to resist until the finish line and took the stage win 6 seconds ahead of the first little group led by Kim Kirchen over the line. The High-road rider has taken his second podium spot in two days and is rewarded for this with the red jersey of leader in the points competition. Behind Cunego, Frank Schleck took fourth place at the finish, whereas Andy has crossed the line together with Andreas Klöden, around 30 seconds late on Anton. After this first key-stage, the overall classification is of course similar to the stage rankings, with Anton leading, Kim Kirchen in second place, Frank in 4th and Andy in 9th position.
14.06.2008 1. Langnau - Langnau (146 km)
Kim Kirchen 3rd behind Freire and Elminger
Oscar Freire
Oscar Freire
33rd at 0"
36th at 10"
26th at 0"
29th at 10"
3rd at 0"
4th at 6"
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Just like several times in recent years, Kim Kirchen and the Schleck brothers have participated in the Tour de Suisse, a race that they like very much and where they have always made good results since they earned their first flowers there in the mountains in 2003 for Kim and in 2004 for Frank. Schleck was stage winner last year and Kirchen second overall, so it is clear that the Luxemburgish riders were among the most cited favourites of the race, next to Klöden, Dekker, Cunego, Devolder and others. And Kim Kirchen didn't wait very long before entering the spotlights since he took third place in the first
stage, in a bunch sprint and beaten only by Freire and Elminger. A bigger group with among others Voigt, Cancellara and McEwen had escaped very early, but the peloton was not eager to let them go. Three other riders, nevertheless, were allowed to get away and take some advantage. David Loosli, Steve Zampieri and Inigo Landaluze created a gap of up to 10 minutes, but the peloton started the chase in time to reel them in with just 2 kilometers to go. In a hilly final, the big group splitted up into several pieces and only around 50 riders sprinted for the stage victory. In a small group and on a slightly uphill finish, Kim Kirchen has a chance to win and so he participated in the sprint. He was in the lead for a while but was overtaken by stage winner and three times world champion Freire and Martin Elminger just a few meters from the line. The Schleck brothers were not far behind in the first group, in 26th and 33rd position. Tomorrow, the serious things start with a difficult mountain-top finish on the Flumserberg.
June 5 to 8, 2008: 2nd U23 Nations-cup in Saguenay
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05-08.06.2008 Chiouctimi - Chiouctimi (530 km in 5 stages)
Jempy Drucker in Canada
Mazzi, Boily, Balloni, Costa, Kvist
Thomas Kvist
75th, 5th, 12th, 34th and 12th
43rd at 19'41"
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During the Tour de Luxembourg, Jempy Drucker made a trip to Canada with the Luxemburgish National teams to the 2nd U23 Nations cup in Saguenay, where most of the leading cycling nations were present like for example Italy, the Netherlands, France or some countries from Eastern Europe. Luxemburg had some expectations for this race with Ben Gastauer and Kim Michely aiming for a good overall classification. During the first stage on a very hilly course, Gastauer eventually was at the front during the whole time and managed to get into the good break at the end, together with Mazzi, Kovaliovas, Boily, Bar and Thomson. The Luxemburgish champion finished the stage in 6th position in the sprint. A first bigger peloton finished one minute behind whereas for the rest of the opponents, the gaps were fairly big. Jempy Drucker crossed the line in 74th position in the second bunch, more than 14 minutes late on the winner. The second stage had an easier profile and finished in a massive sprint. but didn't turn out as it schould for the Luxemburgish team since the fastest sprinter Cyrille Heymans and the overall man Ben Gastauer were both involved in a big crash. But Jempy Drucker managed to make a fine result in the sprint, finishing 5th behind winner and home rider Eric Boily, behind an Italian (Busato), a Lituanian (Kovaliovas) and an American (Keough). The third stage saw some of the GC contenders show themselves early and due to a bonus sprint, Lituanina Kovaliovas took over the yellow jersey. But in the end, it was the côtes des Meules the deciding climb where Italian Balloni, Portuguese Rui Costa and Dutch Anoojen managed to break away and arrived at the finish in this order. The peloton terminated 40 seconds later and again, Jempy Drucker mixed up with the sprinters and took 7th place in his group, thus finishing 12th of the stage. But the day wasn't over yet since the rider had to tackle côte des Meules once again in the evening, as part of an individual time trial. Again, Rui Costa was very impressive and needed only 11'6" for the 8,6 kilometers. He was the fastest of the stage and moved up to second place overall, only 10 seconds behind leader Kovaliovas. Jempy Drucker also made an honest time-trial performance, he needed 12'04" for his lap and finished in 34th position, 58 seconds late on Costa. The last stage brought a big surprise to this Nations cup since Danish rider Thomas Kvist, who had started the day 2 minutes behind the leader, managed to turn things upside down and take the overall win. Kvist broke away after 5 out of 12 laps together with Skrhedau, Garland and Belmokthar and they built up a serious lead. The peloton reacted only after 10 laps, and it was already too late. Kvist, who had isolated himself in the lead in the meantime, arrived at the finish with one and a half minutes advantage on Algerian rider Belmokthar and nearly 3 minutes on a peloton in which Costa, Kovaliovas and Balloni had been taken by surprise. In the last lap, the peloton exploded completely on a difficult course and Jempy Drucker managed again to stay with the Best. He finished the stage in 12th position, 3'08" behind Kvist but only a few seconds after the first riders of the main peloton. In the overall classification, where Kvist scores a nice and unexpected win, Drucker finishes in 43rd place, 19'41" back on the winner, time that he had lost mainly in the first stage. On the bad streets that must have reminded him of some cyclo-cross races, Jempy also finished 11th of the points classification and during the 5 stages, he was mostly capable of matching up with some of the best U23 road riders of the world.
08.06.2008 4. Mersch - Luxembourg (157 km)
No problem for Posthuma
Salvatore Comesso
Joost Posthuma
16th at 2'51"
3rd at 18"
46th at 3'08"
23rd at 15'05"
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The film of yesterday's stage was already known at the start: a group of offensive riders would be allowed to break away with a big chance for the stage win, whereas Albasini and Poshuma would fight out that last, deciding second for the overall victory on the last climb of the montée de Clausen. That is what may have thought Andy Schleck since he attacked shortly after the start and initiated a promising break with among others O'Grady, Kemps or Ten Dam. A little bit later, near Senningerberg and a few kilometers only before entering the final local circuit, he even took the lead alone, leaving all the others behind.
But for an unknown reason, (they were already sure to win three!!! of the different leader jersey's) Credit Agricole opened the chase and their complete team worked at the front of the peloton until Andy was reeled in again. Shortly after a general regroupement, the break of the day went away ... without Credit Agricole, but with Benoît Joachim who was eager to do better than in yesterday's stage when he missed the good train. The Luxemburgish champ did a lot of work in the break of five with Timmer, Arvesen, Capelle and Stangelj, but he couldn't prevent nine more riders to bridge up to the leading group, among them some serious contenders like Comesso, Gustov or Hannes Blank, who finished in third spot in the recent Circuit de Lorraine. In the last lap, Comesso seemed the freshest out of the leaders and the fromer Italian champion attacked with one lap to go and took the stage win ahead of Rudaskov and Petrov, a Russian and a Bulgarian rider, with Benoît Joachim in fourth spot. There was still a little bit of suspense for the overall win, but the man in the yellow jersey, Joost Posthuma, didn't leave runner-up Albasini's wheel and finished right behind him in 19th position, taking the final overall victory with the very narrow margin of one second. On an uphill finish, Frank Schleck also mixed up in the sprint of his group which he finished in third position, thus taking 16th in the stage classification, nearly 3 minutes late on Comesso. In the final overall rankings, the Luxemburgish rider remains in thirs spot behind Posthuma and Albasini, surely not a bad result after a month without racing. Schleck clearly even was the strongest rider in the peloton during this Tour, but he did not manage to take advantage from his strong team in the Ardennes stage on Saturday. Andy Schleck, on his side, finished the stage at the back of the peloton after his unsuccessfull attempt, with his team-mate Julich and around 20 seconds behind his brother.
07.06.2008 3. Wiltz - Diekirch (172 km)
Frank Schleck on the podium
Michael Albasini
Joost Posthuma
3rd at 13"
3rd at 18"
23rd at 14'18"
23rd at 14'49"
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The third stage of the Tour de Luxemburg in the Ardennes is often called the queen stage and today it lived again up to this title, because between Wiltz and Diekirch, the overall classification was completely renewed and even if the order is not established for good, the composition of the final overall podium is likely to be known this evening. And the strongest rider of the day was without doubt Frank Schleck, who attacked again and again but became at the end victim of his own tactics. Laszlo Bodrogi, former winner of the Tour, opened the rode for a long time as solo rider, before the race started for good in his back.
Before half-race, after an acceleration from Frank Schleck, around 20 riders took of behind the Credit Agricole rider, among them some favourites like the two brothers and their team-mate Gustov or Kreuziger, Lhotellerie, Posthuma, Albasini, Bozic, Azevedo, Langeveld and yesterday's winner Konovalovas, but without Cancellara, Benoît Joachim or Pozzato. With around 50 kilometers to go, Michael Albasini and Joost Poshuma attacked out of this group and bridged up to Bodrogi, only to drop him a little bit later. Andy Schleck wasn't at his best today and was dropped from the front group just like Gustov: he finished the stage more than 14 minutes late. Frank Schleck for sure had shown his strength to early since all of the other contenders in his group were afraid of him and didn't do too much wordk: he had to take his own responsabilities. The CSC rider attacked several times, trying to form a smaller chasing group, but did not find any help. The gap to the two leaders had grown over a minute with no more than 15 kilometers to go. Frank Schleck then decided to go for it alone and attacked on the very steep Huelewee, looking to catch up with the lost time. He was alone, alone against two, but he was strong and managed to decrease the gap: from 1'06", it came down to 45 seconds, then only 20 with around 3 kilometers to go. But the leading duo knew that he was behind, they collaborated until the line and agreed on sharing the cake: stage victory for Albasini and overall lead for Posthuma, with a second advantage on the Swiss Liquigas rider. Frank Schleck finished the stage in third position, 13" down and is now also 3rd in the overall rankings, 18" behind Posthuma. This gap surely is too big to close in tomorrow's last stage, but after his strong performance of today, the Luxemburgish spectators are still allowed to dream.
06.06.2008 2. Schifflange - Differdange (197 km)
An unknown rider named Ignatas Konovalovas
Ignatas Konovalovas
Fabian Cancellara
5th at 0"
18th at 17"
49th at 19"
47th at 39"
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On the second stage of the Tour of Luxembourg, the riders once more were not able to avoid the rain. On the 197 tough kilometers from Schifflange to Differdange with a trip to the Northwest of the country, they had to face really miserable weather. Four of them were not afraid of these conditions and took off very early. After a fast and animated race begin, Grebory Habeaux, Michael Golas, Hakan Nilsson and David Deroo broke away and they managed quickly to get three minutes of advantage. With Nilsson, there was also a rider of Differdange in this break, the
home team that was very motivated for today's stage. But CSC were attentive at the front of the peloton and the Arvesen, Gustov, O'Grady, Julich and Schleck didn't let the advantage grow to more than a minute. A hard piece of work that would leave traces in the finale, when the peloton fell into pieces on the hilly local course around Differdange and Frank Schleck, Cancellara and O'Grady suddenly found themselves on their own in the front group. A very carefully riding Andy Schleck had lost contact to the Best on the very fast and dangerous downhill from col de l'Europe and finished the stage in 49th position, 19 seconds late on the winner. His brother Frank on the other side was present at the front in the finale and he was the one that initiated the deciding move with a strong attack five kilometers from the finish. The Luxemburgish rider took with him two rider form the East, Ignatas Konovalovas and Sergey Lagutin, and the three of them flew towards the white line with around 10 seconds advantage. But the chasers came closer and closer and in a breathtaking finish, Konovalovas was able to keep a tiny advantage on the line, beating Lagutin in the sprint, whereas Frank Schleck was caught by the fastest riders out of the next chasers, Lemoine and Feillu. He is noted on 5th place in the stage rankings and moves up to 18th overall, where Cancellara remains in yellow.
05.06.2008 1. Luxembourg - Mondorf (177 km)
Haedo invited at the Schlecks'
Juan-José Haedo
Fabian Cancellara
61st at 0"
21st at 17"
38th at 0"
33rd at 20"
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In the Kingdom of the Schleck, the king was named Juan-Jose Haedo today. On the way into the rainy Mondorf, home of the family, the CSC team did the perfect race and realized its two goals: retain the yellow jersey of Cancellara and lead the peloton to a bunch sprint for Haedo. The two brothers were the helpers today, often seen at the front of the pack or next ot the yellow jersey and it was obvious that the local heros were not the masterpieces in the CSC tactics, but well
the Swiss who dreams of the overall victory and the man from Argentina, who is eventually one of the best sprintes in the world. The report of the race is short: a long break of two with Cyril Lemoine and Claude Wolter, the Luxemburgish rider that wasn't afraid to show himself at the front, a CSC team the led to a general regroupement with 10 kilometers to go, some isolated attacks on the finishing local circuits like the ones from Emilien Bergès or from Roman Kreuziger, 4th in the overall classification, a bunch sprint prepared by the yellow jersey himself and JJ Haedo who held off Feillu and Bozic in the very last meters of the stage. The Peloton rode very carefully today on the wet and slippery roads, so that a massive crash could be avoided.
04.06.2008 Prologue in Luxembourg (2,4 km ITT)
Cancellara very impressive
Fabian Cancellara
Fabian Cancellara
21st at 17"
21st at 17"
33rd at 20"
33rd at 20"
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The Tour de Luxembourg 2008 showed a rather traditionnal course, to begin with the prologue in Luxembourg-town that the riders are now used to tackle since a few years. A fairly difficult prologue with a short, steep and cobbled climb that rather suits to explosive riders like Kim Kirchen, who won here in 2006, than to real "rouleurs" like Fabian Cancellara. But the Swiss world champion was very impressive today and won the time-trial in 3'38" for 2,4 kiometers,
meaning that he was 5 seconds faster than Jimmy Engoulvent who started very early and even 12 seconds better than Austrian rider Harald Starzengruber. Behind them, the gaps are smaller and Kreuziger, Ista, Vogondy and Haselbacher finish in the next positions, all of them 13" late. Of course, with this performance, Cancellara has already taken a big option on the overall win, since he is good on nearly all the grounds except high mountains. The Luxemburgish public of course was interested in the results of the Schleck brothers since both of them, after their last participation two years ago, have advanced to big international cycling stars. The two of them did not disappoint, finishing in 3'55" (Frank in 21st position) respectively 3'58" (Andy in 33rd place). After a month's time without competition and on such a short effort, you can't of course ask for more. Eventually, Frank hasn't been noted as best Luxemburgish rider, since this honour is accorded to Benoìt Joachim, who showed an amazing ride in 9th position, only 13 seconds late on Cancellara.

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