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La 16ème Charly Gaul - September 18, 2005 - Contern

Last-minute course changes

Due to some road works, some small and last course changes had to be planned:

1. Between Oetrange and Schuttrange: Sharp Start 2 km further on.

The definitive Start will not be in Oetrange, but 2 km further on, at the entrance of Schuttrange. The riders will pass through the work area neutralized and behind the policemen of UCPR. The sharp start will take place immediately after the work area.

2. Between Medernach and Ermsdorf: from Medernach directly to Savelbur.

Instead of the original course Medernach, Ermsdorf, climb of Grevenhaff, Savelbur between km 33 and 39, the race will now take following course: Medernach, climb of Reineschhaff, Savelbur. The reminder of the course stays unchanged. CARE in Medernach: bad road

Carte: ACC Contern / Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie www.etat.lu/ACT

La 16ème Charly Gaul>>
