79th Grand-Prix François Faber - 01.05.2001 - Berbourg

Report from the race

km 0 73 riders line up for 6 laps of 20 km around Berbourg (120 km).

1st lap From the beginning, the riders of Differdange dominate the race: Attack of Agergaard, Dressler and Sengewald who create a gap.

1st lap Bintz and Machnitzky bridge up to the 3 riders in yellow-blue.

2nd lap At the beginning of the 2nd lap, 14 riders are in the lead and they have already created a nice gap to the next chasers.

2nd lap The 14 riders are the following: Jesper Agergaard, Frank Dressler, Uwe Sengewald, Vincenzo Centrone, Pascal Triebel, Fabio Emili (CCI Differdange), Daniel Bintz, Claude Degano (LC Tétange), Eddy Torrekens, Emmanuel Bastin (Orbais), Lex Nederlof, Gérard Schalk, Frédéric Noiset and Machnitzky.

2nd lap With 6 riders in the lead group, CCI Differdange is clearly dominating the race.

3th lap Only 12 men now in the lead: Machnitzky and Bastin are dropped

4th lap The gap between the 12 and the peloton is now over 3 minutes: they won't be caught again.

5th lap Still twelve riders in the lead: their advantage now exceeds four minutes. Differdange is doing most of the work which seems quite normal.

6th lap Once again, the riders of Differdange are taking advantage in the last lap: Centrone, Agergaard, Sengewald and Triebel have created a gap, followed by Degano and Noiset. A few seconds later, Eddy Torrekens and Lex Nederlof are fighting to come back.

6th lap Sengewald and Noiset are dropped by the four other leading riders. Torrekens and Nederlof are still chasing about half a minute behind.

6th lap Attack from Jesper Agergaard. Claude Degano is the only one who manages to resist.

6th lap Degano and Agergaard have about 10 seconds advantage on Triebel and Centrone.

Finish Jesper Agergaard (CCI Differdange) wins the 79th Grand-prix François Faber in a sprint in front of Claude Degano (LC Tétange).

Finish Vincenzo Centrone and Pascal Triebel take the places 3 and 4 about 20 seconds later.
